Understanding and Preventing Respiratory Infections in Children

What if you could protect your child from a potentially dangerous respiratory viral infection? Learn the signs, symptoms, and treatment options from our guest, Professor Christopher Blyth, Professor in Infectious Diseases at the University of Western Australia and Paediatrician at Perth Children's Hospital. Delve into the world of respiratory infections in young children and discover the impact they have on families and healthcare systems.In this engaging conversation with our host Dr Gavin Nimon (Orthopaedic Surgeon), he discusses the risks involved in respiratory infections, who is most susceptible, and how many children in Australia are affected by these conditions. Learn how to recognize the warning signs of respiratory infections and understand when a child's condition has become more serious.Our heart's were touched by the inspiring story of Catherine Hughes, who lost her newborn son, Riley, to whooping cough and has since dedicated her life to raising awareness, promoting vaccination, and ensuring families have access to vital information. Hear about Catherine's incredible advocacy work and the significant impact it has made in spreading awareness and advocating for better health outcomes. Don't miss this essential information-packed episode that every parent should hear.Links:-Catherine Hughes and Riley's storyRSV awareness and signs to watch out forAussie Med Ed is sponsored by OPC Health, an Australian supplier of prosthetics, orthotics, clinic equipment, compression garments, and more. Rehabilitation devices for doctors, physiotherapists, orthotists, podiatrists, and hand therapists. If you'd like to know what OPC Health offers.Visit opchealth. com. au and view their range online. Healthshare

Om Podcasten

Venture into the captivating world of medicine with 'Aussie Med Ed,' your definitive Australian medical podcast. Journey through the diverse medical landscape in an easy-going atmosphere, guided by your host, Dr. Gavin Nimon - an Orthopaedic Surgeon deeply committed to medical education in Adelaide. Our podcast serves as an illuminating beacon for medical students, practitioners, and anyone passionate about understanding health and wellness.At Aussie Med Ed, we delve into an array of medical conditions, unraveling their mysteries, diagnosis, and treatment options. Our approach is unique, as we bring in experts from the extensive medical community, encouraging engaging dialogues that help demystify complex health issues. We're more than a medical podcast - we're a bridge between you and the world of medicine. Whether you're an aspiring doctor, a seasoned practitioner, or a curious mind, Aussie Med Ed is the perfect platform to expand your medical knowledge horizons.Dr Gavin Nimon and the team at Aussie Med Ed acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which the podcast is produced that of the Kaurna , Ngarrindjeri and Peramangk people.